Youth Conflict Mediation Services
Youth Conflict Mediation Services
Our organization prides itself in its capacities to deliver high quality services, that are safe and affordable. Providing programming that is tailored to the needs of participants, ensures that outcomes are more positive, feasible and sustainable.
Alternative Decisions - Where your solution comes first
What is Youth Conflict Mediation?
Youth conflict mediation is a process used to resolve disputes or conflicts involving youth in a collaborative and constructive manner. It involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who facilitates communication and negotiations between family members, professionals, and other relative participants. Mediation can be between youth and adult figures involved in their lives, or between youth themselves. The objective of youth conflict mediation is to reach a mutually acceptable agreement between all those involved.
What are the Benefits of Youth Conflict Mediation?
Sustainable and feasible outcomes are primary goals that a mediator helps participants find. Elements of this are as follows;
Identifying Issues - Mediators are trained individuals who are tasked with helping participants mutually identify issues, without the fear of recourse for doing so. In mediation, your perspective on the conflict is essential to the problem-solving process.
Option Exploring - Mediators are able to help participants find solutions, even unconventional one , without the worry of retribution. Mediation is not like courts, as the solutions come from the participants; mediators are only there to guide and provide feedback when asked. -
Using mediation as an alternative method of remedy, as opposed to the court or lawyers, comes with many benefits.
Privacy and Confidentiality - Mediation works on the premise that participants are shielded by both privacy and confidentiality. Knowing that their honest and transparent communications are protected, encourages productive and collaborative problem solving.
Alternative Solutions - Our mediators are trained professionals that are held to both professional and ethical standards. Problem solving and collaboration are their goals, not punishment and discrimination.
Non-binding - Documents, agreements, and outcomes are non-binding. Knowing that a mediator is not a judge, and that they are resource, encourages healthy dialogue.
Participants are provided draft documentation/agreements; it is recommended that parties seek legal advice prior to signing any agreements. -
There are several financial benefits to using mediation services.
Cost Effective - Mediation is often more affordable than utilizing courts and/or lawyers to settle a dispute.
Tiered Costs - Alternative Decisions provides affordable costs associated with our services. Our rates are tailored to suit your financial situation. Financial assistance is also available for those in need. -
There are many personal benefits to using mediation as an alternative to traditional dispute resolution services.
Voluntary - Participation in mediation is voluntary, and can be ended at any time. Active and voluntary participation creates a positive environment, which in turn leads to sustainable outcomes.
Subjective - Mediation is made
to reflect the needs of the participants, whether they are religious, language, cultural; the mediation process can be subjectively tailored.
Less Stress - Users of mediation report lesser levels of stress, than those involved in other resolution services (such as the judiciary).
What are the Limits to Youth Conflict Mediation?
Although mediation is a flexible, but there are limits to its process and scope.
Voluntary Process - Mediation relies on the active and voluntary nature of its participants. If participants are unwilling to engage, mediation may not be possible or effective.
Imbalance of Power - In situations where there is a case of significant power imbalance, mediation may not be possible.
Complex Legal Issues - Mediation is not a form of legal counsel; should participants require legal advice or action, mediation is not an appropriate forum.
Criminality - Mediation may not be an appropriate service for criminal matters, depending on the scope and nature of the conflict.
Non-binding - Mediation agreements and their respective outcome(s) are not legally binding; should participants require legal advice or action, Alternative Decisions recommends seeking legal counsel or aid.
6. Age/Maturity - Age, maturity, and capacities of youth (under 18) are determining factors for the appropriateness and effectiveness of mediation. Generally young people 12 and under are to young for mediation services, as the complexity and requirements of participation can limit the youths ability to participate. Mediators are trained to asses maturity and capacities, and make determinations on their discretionary basis.
What are the steps to Youth Conflict Mediation?
There are several steps prior to mediation sessions taking place. All
are important, providing both participant and mediators an opportunity to meet, discuss important matters, and begin the solution process.Users can expect the following for their service plan, however these are subject to change based on both participant and mediator needs.
1. Informational Session (recommend) - We recommend that any potential service users book a complementary info session prior to applying. Book Now2. Apply for services - Apply for services; applications may be submitted via a variety of means. Learn More
3. Intake Session - Once approved, service users may schedule an intake session. This step gives users and mediator(s) an opportunity to meet 1:1 and privately, discuss the issue, and begin the solution drafting process. Book Now
Users should also expect to submit the following documents at this time: Agreement to Mediate, Confidentiality Agreement, Conflict of Interest Agreement.
Users may find and complete these forms Here -
4. Joint or Individual Mediation Sessions - At the step mediation sessions involving all participants or select participants. Sessions vary in length of time, suited to the needs of those participating.
Service users will utilize these sessions for collaborative solution making. Users may end sessions an/or process at any time.
Schedule these sessions with your mediator. -
5. Solution and Drafts - Once participants achieve a mutually agreed upon solution, a draft agreement, or other documents, may be prepared upon the users request.
6. Implementation - At this stage participants are expected to uphold any commitments and/or agreements they made.
Alternative Solutions recommends speaking to legal counsel before signing any agreements.
Youth Conflict Mediation - PDF
We have also take the liberty to compile a more extensive outline of our Youth Conflict Mediation service. For your convenience, please download using the following link.